The Foundation has annually supported undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Arizona who have excelled in Hellenic Studies. HCF scholars further their Hellenic education, present in conferences, participate in archaeological projects, thus cultivating a life-long connection with Greece. Please consider supporting our Foundation to ensure a strong future for Hellenic Studies in Tucson and southern Arizona. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
□ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΑΙ (Benefactors) Circle ($100.00 and above)
□ ΔΩΡΗΤΑΙ (Donors) Circle ($51.00–$99.00)
□ ΦΙΛΟΙ (Friends) Circle ($25.00–50.00)
Name ____________________________
Address __________________________
City _________State _____Zip_______
E-mail __________________________
Phone (___) _______________________
□ Check
Payable to Hellenic Cultural Foundation
Mail your check and this form to:
Hellenic Cultural Foundation
Attn: Irene Bald Romano, HCF President
P.O. Box 64943
Tucson, AZ 85728