HCF Scholarship 2025 First and Last Name Email Local Address Summer Address (if different) Phone (Local) Phone (Alternate) Year FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate Student College are you enrolled in Are you currently enrolled in Modern Greek? YesNo If yes, what semester? Have you previously received an HCF Scholarship? YesNo List the courses in Greek studies you have taken at UA or elsewhere* List the courses in Greek studies you intend to take at UA in the coming summer, fall or spring semesters* Undergraduate Students Major Minor Graduate Students Degree being pursued Academic Transcripts Please send your academic transcripts (official or unofficial) as pdfs to hcfscholarships@gmail.com Undergraduate students should submit their undergraduate transcripts (unofficial), and graduate students should submit their graduate transcript(s) (official or unofficial). Personal Statement* Please state in 250 words or less why you have chosen to study Modern Greek or Ancient Greek Studies and why these studies are important to you; your career goals; for which specific project, program, or academic pursuit you will use the HCF scholarship Please provide the names, office address, telephone numbers, and email addresses of two references who can provide recommendations on your behalf. One recommender must be a Professor in a field related to Greek Studies at the University of Arizona. You do NOT need to ask your recommenders to send their recommendations to HCF. You must ask them if you could record their name as a recommender, and the HCF Scholarship Committee will contact them. Reference 1 Name Office Address Email Phone Reference 2 Name Office Address Email Phone