Modern Greek

Central to the mission of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation is the instruction of Greek languages at the university level. Since the early 1900s, the Classics Department at the University of Arizona has offered a full curriculum in ancient Greek. In 1984, the Foundation was instrumental in formally establishing the Modern Greek program at the University of Arizona. The program was directed for decades by Prof. Mary Voyatzis, and from 2001 to 2012 was supported by the Greek Ministry of Education. The Department of Religious Studies and Classics in the College of Humanities and the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona continue to offer a myriad of classes in ancient Greek language, literature, and archaeology, while the Critical Languages Program in the College of Humanities supports the study of Modern Greek language and literature.

The Hellenic Cultural Foundation of Tucson offers scholarships for full-time University of Arizona students who are studying Modern Greek. There is an annual deadline for the application every spring for students continuing their study of Modern Greek language or conducting research on topics related to modern or contemporary Greece, as well as other aspects of Greek culture: In addition, every fall HCF offers Critical Language Study Scholarships for students studying Modern Greek for the first time. These scholarships cover the program fee for Modern Greek classes through the Critical Languages Program: HCF also awards the annual Ariana Mercedes Economou Prize for Excellence in Modern Greek Language to an outstanding student in the Modern Greek classes, selected by the instructor every spring.

Regular Course Offerings in Modern Greek Language and Literature through the Critical Languages Program:

CRL 101: Elementary Language Study: Modern Greek

CRL 102: Elementary Language Study: Modern Greek

CRL 201: Intermediate Language Study: Modern Greek

CRL 202: Intermediate Language Study: Modern Greek

CRL 301: Advanced Modern Greek Language

CRL 302: Advanced Modern Greek Language

CRL 397: Modern Greek literature in the original (focus on poetry, prose, myth)

CRL 497: Other language-specific or historical projects and special topics (Independent Study)

Registration information:

Contacts for the Modern Greek Program: or