The 2019 HCF Scholarship Awardees with HCF President, Dr. Mary Voyatzis !

The Hellenic Cultural Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2018 scholarships for outstanding achievement in Hellenic studies. These awards are given to worthy University of Arizona students who are studying various aspects of Greek culture, ancient to modern, including ancient and modern Greek language or literature, Greek archaeology, history, or philosophy.

Undergraduate Awardees

Arica Hanson, major in Classical Civilization; for participation in Classical archaeology courses in Arizona in Italy program

Katrina Kuxhausen, majoring in Classics, Anthropology, and History; for her continued study of Greek language, history, and material culture

Graduate Student Awardees

Angel Bustamante, M.A. student in Classics, awarded The Ariana Mercedes Economou Prize for Excellence in Modern Greek Language Study

Miranda Lovett, M.A. student in Classical Archaeology; awarded The Chris Limberis Archaeological Fieldwork Scholarship for participation in the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

Michael Main, M.A. student in Classical Philology; for summer Greek language study at University of Arizona

Julia Paré, M.A. student in Classical Philology; for summer Greek language study at the City University of New York Graduate Center

Samantha Richter, M.A. student in Classical Archaeology; awarded The Chris Limberis Archaeological Fieldwork Scholarship for participation in the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project


(since 1991 – still in progress)

BAUMANN, Matthew

As an MA student at the University of Arizona, I went to the American School of Classical Studies Excavations in the Athenian Agora for the first time in 2003 with the help of my HCF scholarship. I have continued to participate in the excavations and will be returning for my ninth season this coming summer. In addition, I have indulged my interest in ancient Greece, by working on a PhD focused on Greek sculpture and participating in the American School’s Regular Year Program. My time in residence expanded my interests, which now include Greece’s modern history and the language. Ultimately, the HCF scholarship was crucial for funding the early stages of what has become a lifelong connection with Greece.


While pursuing my M.A. in Classics at the UA, I was fortunate enough to receive an HCF scholarship for the American School’s summer study program in Athens.  I spent a glorious 6 weeks exploring the ancient and modern culture of Greece, an experience which caused me to shift my graduate school research away from ancient Rome towards 4th-century Athens.  The photographs, experiences and materials I collected that summer continue to enrich my life as I share them with my middle and high school students in Classics and Latin.  I am so grateful to the Foundation for their financial and emotional support during that summer.


With the Hellenic Cultural Foundation’s help, I was able to use their scholarship to pay for my tuition and continue my senior year at the University of Arizona uninterrupted. Their generous donation allowed me to complete my studies in ancient Greek and Greek history to earn my degree in Classical Civilization and History. My time spent studying classics gave me great insight into the Hellenistic Age and left a lasting impression on how I view the world and its history. I would personally like to thank Dr. Zerdavis and the HCF committee for all that they have done, as their support has helped to strengthen my resolve as I continue to pursue my career in classical archaeology.


I received the Hellenic Cultural Foundation Scholarship in the spring of 2012 and it greatly assisted me in my academic endeavors. The HCF scholarship allowed me to fully fund the 2012 fall academic semester at the University of Arizona where I am currently enrolled in a Greek language course dealing with the works of Euripides. In addition to this, the HCF scholarship assisted me in my travels over the summer to Athens Greece (my first time in Hellas) where I witnessed firsthand the land and archaeology in which I have invested my academic career. Now as I am in the process of applying to PhD programs in classics I hope to continue in my career dedicated to the study of ancient Greece. The support of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation has allowed me to realize these pursuits. Thank you HCF!!

COLEMAN, Matthew

Ph. D. Student in History at the University of Arizona

As an ancient historian the Greek language is a major part of my research and ability to instruct students. Unfortunately, classes in Attic Greek outside of official school schedules are prohibitively expensive, forcing me to continually delay or extend my education in the Greek language. The funding provided to me by the Hellenic Cultural Foundation gave me the opportunity to continue my language training during the summer, allowing me to stay on schedule for my Ph. D. program. Due to the help of the HCF I am able to take my comprehensive exams and begin my dissertations in a timely manner, freeing me to teach the subject I love.

CRAIN, Dwanna
The Hellenic Cultural Foundation generously funded my first trip to Greece so that I could excavate at the Athenian Agora under the auspices of the American School of Classical Studies in Greece. I had worked in Italy on several occasions and wanted to visit Greece so that I might equally experience Greek archaeology first hand. I returned the next summer, before going to graduate school. My excavation and travel experience in Greece made me a stronger candidate, and my new knowledge of Roman period monuments in Athens and other cities helped to direct my current PhD research in the Roman provinces, outside of Italy.
My time in Greece not only helped to shape my studies and ideas about the ancient world, but also the modern one. While there, I was able to travel on weekends and took trips around the country—experiencing the wonderful people, the countryside, the islands, the food, the wine, and the landscape as well as the archaeology and museums. This experience left me more appreciative of both modern and ancient Greece, than I could have been before visiting. I am very lucky to have had this opportunity to develop professionally and personally and can’t wait to work there again. Thank you, HCF!

DOWNING, Michaela

I used the scholarship generously awarded to me by the Hellenic Cultural Foundation to participate in the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey project over the summer of 2017. It was a wonderful experience that allowed me to develop excavation techniques and practices, and to learn new approaches. During the excavation, we took trips to various archaeological sites around the Peloponnese. Visiting these sites piqued my interest in the cultural developments behind the creation of the architectural structures at the sites and was beneficial to my research exploring the relationship between Dionysus and Apollo in the Hellenistic period, and rituals concerning death, mourning, and the veneration of ancestors. The excavation deepened my passion for Greek archaeology, and has introduced me to many new ideas, professions, and experiences.

ELLIS, Christine

Often times when I tell people that my major is Classics, their eyes glaze over and they have no idea “what I could do with a major like that;” many people have that exact reaction when it comes to any major in the field of Humanities. The truth is college is a financial burden for any student; it does not matter whether they have a full ride, or if they are paying for it all themselves; there is always an undercurrent of financial worries. For those studying in a field involving the Humanities, the pressure is much more intense. There are numerous scholarships geared toward STEM majors, and still more toward “all majors,” but often the case is that students with certain majors are overlooked over those with more well-known majors. Receiving this scholarship was both an honor and a way to relieve some financial stress from my mind. It was an honor because receiving this scholarship meant distinguished people within my field of study believed I deserved the award. Receiving this award allowed me to pay for all my books for this school year, something I have had trouble doing in years past. Thank you so much for honoring me with this scholarship and making this year a bit less stressful.


In the fall of 2012 I suffered from a serious health issue which forced me to drop classes crucial for my graduation. Thanks to the generous support of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation and their scholarship program, I was able to enroll in the 2013 summer intensive language program in Ancient Greek at the University of Arizona and fulfill those requirements. By completing that coursework, I will be graduating in December of 2013 with my BA Classics – Classical Civilization and a minor in Anthropology – Archaeology emphasis. Thank you again HCF for making it possible for me to pursue my passion in the Classics. I intend to continue my education with graduate work in Classical Archaeology and Maritime studies.

HULME, Emily
Within classical studies, my interests lie in one of the great contributions Western culture has received from Greece: philosophy.  My studies have focused on two areas of Greek philosophy, Stoicism and Platonism.  With the help of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation scholarship, I was able to attend the Ancient Philosophy Society annual meeting and deliver a paper on political philosophy in Stoicism.  I also was able to stay in Tucson over the summer and continue reading Plato and Plotinus with two faculty members at the University of Arizona.  My HCF funding was a significant boon for my studies and I am so grateful to the foundation for supporting these opportunities for me.


I am so grateful for the support that I received from the Hellenic Cultural Foundation during my Summer 2015 field season in Crete! The award assisted my living expenses tremendously while I participated on the Mochlos Archaeology Project in Eastern Crete for the fourth consecutive summer. My research focused on the ceramic remains from both the Prepalatial and Neopalatial periods. The Prepalatial material is the focus of my Master’s thesis research. The Neopalatial material will be included in the forthcoming Mochlos volume entitled The House of the Metal Merchant and other Neopalatial Houses. As a senior member of this project, I was able to lead a few weekend trips which provided the newcomers much-needed exposure to the island of Crete’s diverse landscape and archaeological material. While I eagerly await my return to Crete in the summer of 2016, I also look forward to seeing how the HCF Scholarships will continue to change the lives of young scholars here at the University of Arizona.

KECK, John

As a BA student in Anthropology and Classics at the University of Arizona, I participated as a volunteer at the Greco-Roman site of Morgantina near Aidone, Sicily for the first time in June 2013 and have been invited to return as an assistant trench supervisor. Over the course of the project I excavated, performed total station surveys, and used my knowledge of AutoCAD to assist in developing maps of the excavation. My close interaction with professors from several institutions has proven very beneficial as I plan to apply for  graduate programs in classical archaeology. During this excavation experience I was able to further my interests in numismatics and domestic architecture by finding a Mammertine coin and visiting the domestic insulae at the site. The HCF scholarship was critical in allowing me this opportunity and providing a strong foundation for my future studies in the Mediterranean.

MARTIN, Stephanie

The generous support of the HCF scholarhip allowed me to further my M.A. research in the summer of 2015. I completed my M.A. thesis during the spring semester on the potential relocation of the people of Akrotiri after the Thera eruption in the Late Bronze Age. While conducting this research, much of my focus for relocation sites was placed in the surrounding Cycladic Islands, and with the HCF scholarship I was able to visit the island of Melos, the site of Phylakopi, and the Archaeological Museum of Melos to see the site and the material culture which I had studied but never seen before. Additionally, the HCF scholarship partially supported my participation in the Mt. Lykaion Project for the second summer, where I continued to work with Kronos, the project’s database. Continuing my education in the PhD program at the University of Arizona, I am glad to continue my work with the Mt. Lykaion project and return for excavation in the upcoming season.

MATIATOS, Anastasia

I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship from the Hellenic Cultural Foundation in the Spring of 2015. Because of this, I have been able to continue studying modern Greek here at the UofA as I pursue a minor in Classics. Furthermore, this generous donation has assisted me as I work to compile stories of my family’s history, namely that of my Grandmother’s experiences growing up in colonial Cyprus. Overall, I am truly grateful for this scholarship as it has afforded me the opportunity to improve my understanding of the Greek language and to gain a deeper appreciation for my Hellenic heritage.

McBRIDE, Katherine

Thanks to the generous support granted by the HCF, I was able to spend an entire summer both traveling in Greece independently and working at the site of Mt. Lykaion in Arcadia. This experience helped to develop my skills as a scholar and to foster and focus my interests in the art and archaeology of ancient Greece. This clearly wasn’t a passing interest as I am currently pursuing my PhD in Archaeology at Brown University, focusing on the Hellenistic Period, particularly in Greece itself. I am very grateful to the Hellenic Cultural Foundation for an opportunity that sparked a lasting appreciation of the ancient Greek world, and I am sure that I’ll be spending many more summers excavating and studying in Greece!

MORENO, Teresa (Terri)

I was awarded my HCF scholarship in 1991.  I was an undergraduate majoring in Classics and Anthropology and studying Modern Greek at the University of Arizona.  My interview was with Peter Enonomidis, Chris Limberis and Richard Kinkade, and I remember being very nervous, but very excited.  The award helped to cover my tuition for the year!  I also remember fondly my time spent sitting in the hard wooden booths studying and eating spanakopita at El Greco’s on the corner of Park Avenue and Sixth Street.  Pete and Lois Kotzambasis and their kids always made me feel welcomed and supported.  Having grown up in Tucson, I can attest to how this kind of local community support can really make a difference for struggling students.  I graduated 1993 and went on to earn an M.A. in Classical Archaeology from the UA before switching career paths slightly, earning a second M.A. in Conservation of Historic and Archaeological Objects from the University of Durham in England.  As a conservator I worked for a short time at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter and The Field Museum in Chicago before returning to Tucson and the UA in 2002.  I am now Associate Conservator at the Arizona State Museum and a member of the UA Faculty.  In 2006 I was invited by Dr. Mary Voyatzis and Dr. David Romano to join their team working on the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project in Greece.  After having worked with Dr. Voyatzis between 1993 and 1996 excavating at the Temple of Athena Alea at Tegea I jumped at the opportunity to return to my classical archaeological roots and practice my rusty Dimotiki.  I have served as the site conservator on the Mt. Lykaion project through the 2012 study season.  The early support of the HCF made a significant and lasting impact on my life and career, and I remain truly grateful!

MOSES, Victoria

Thanks to the generous support of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation, I was able to gain experience conducting research in Greece for the first time. I participated in the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project by beginning my research on the faunal remains from site’s Lower Sanctuary. The animal bone from the Hellenistic feasting deposit I am analyzing is extremely exciting for me, allowing me to combine my interests in zooarchaeology and ritual in the archaeological record. During my time in Greece, I was not only able to carry out my own research but also visit many archaeological sites that I have studied but have never been able to see firsthand, such as Olympia, Delphi, and the Temple of Apollo at Bassae. The experience was made even better by interacting with the welcoming and lively local people we met. I look forward to continuing my research in Arcadia in upcoming years.


I am a Dual PhD student in Anthropology and Middle East Studies, and my research focus is on the politics of historical memory in Greece and Turkey. My research is in historical anthropology, a subfield of cultural anthropology, which focuses on the complicated ways in which the past shapes and informs the present— through material remnants, practices, memories, and narratives. My research focus is on the 1923 exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, and the many ways in which this traumatic event shapes social, cultural, political and economic life in both countries. As a cultural anthropologist, I plan to conduct ethnographic fieldwork in Greece, where I will conduct interviews and practice participant observation. In order to conduct my fieldwork, it will be necessary for me to be fluent in modern Greek. As a Greek-American I am a heritage speaker of modern Greek (Greek was my first language but I forgot much of it when I learned English as a child), I have been working to regain my knowledge of the language. For this, the support of the HCF has been invaluable.

Thanks to the generous support of the HCF scholarship, I was able to receive intensive modern Greek language training in Greece during the summer of 2015. For three weeks, I received four hours of daily, one-on-one language tutoring, as well as daily practice in an immersion environment. The lessons took place in Thessaloniki, the site of my future field research. This opportunity was invaluable in advancing my academic career since not only was I able to make great progress in my Greek language skills (I completed the equivalent of about a year of coursework,) but I was also able to do so while simultaneously familiarizing myself with my future field site.


The Hellenic Cultural Foundation Scholarship generously contributed to my Summer 2017 season with the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey project in Arcadia, Greece. As a Master’s student in Classics at the University of Arizona, this experience helped to develop my skills as a scholar and an archaeologist in field of Greek archaeology. During this season, I was able to help supervise the categorization of materials from the altar. Throughout the season, we had frequent opportunities to explore the landscape, cuisine, archaeology, and museums of Greece in order to understand both the ancient and modern representations of the wonderful people and the country. As I am in the process of applying to PhD programs in Bronze Age archaeology, I look forward to continuing my career in Greek archaeology.

PETSAS, Nicholas

This past summer I worked at the non-profit, non-partisan National Priorities Project in Northampton, Massachusetts.  As an Economic Research Assistant I compiled comprehensive data on all 50 states and their federal spending patterns. Then I took three states (Arizona, Colorado and Iowa) and examined them in-depth to understand where our federal dollars end up within the states. After all the research I wrote several papers summarizing my conclusions some have been published and others will be published in the future. The experience was very rewarding and prepared me for my graduate school aspirations. Without the help of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation I would not have been able to successfully complete my internship and gain immeasurable lessons.


This past summer, through the generous support of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation I was fortunate enough to participate in the Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project’s excavation at ancient Eleon, as well as in my third season at the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project in Arcadia. My summer experience was as enjoyable as it was formative to my future career plans. Throughout my education, I have maintained a strong interest in the connection between archaeology and landscape, a curiosity I have pursued enthusiastically as an M.A. student in Classical Archaeology at the University of Arizona. At both Eleon and Mt. Lykaion, I was able to explore that interest directly, while gaining a lasting appreciation for Greece’s unparalleled natural beauty. Interacting firsthand with two very different offerings of Greece’s landscape – the plains and rolling coasts of northern Boeotia, and later, the rugged mountains of Arcadia – strengthened my resolve to pursue a PhD and, hopefully, return to preserve and protect both the natural and archaeological wonders I found there. Thank you for the opportunity!


The generosity of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation and its scholarship program has allowed me to participate this past summer in my second season at The Mount Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project. This long-term project in Arkadia studies the origins and rituals of the cult of Zeus; the ash altar on the top of Mount Lykaion and the religious and athletic structures of the Lower Sanctuary are among the best recorded and researched of the ancient world. My rôle in this project is to apply statistical analysis to the study the pottery finds of the ash altar, with the aim of increasing our understanding of the cultural and ritual processes that took place there. Thanks to the support of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation, I have been able, with the assistance of my colleague Ms. Sarah Linn, to record all the pottery finds of the ash altar that the excavation team recovered there during three seasons. Currently, research is in progress and an article on the results of the statistics will be prepared in order to share these finds with the scientific community and the general public.  Needless to say, this work would not be possible without the support, among others, of the Hellenic Cultural Foundation, and I will always be grateful for that.


For my Ph.D. research, I was fortunate enough to find myself working on a prehistoric archaeology project in Greece. I spent many summers in Nafplio, and at the American School of Classical studies at Athens. Though my primary research was funded through other sources, I received an Hellenic Cultural Foundation scholarship, which supported my enrollment in multiple semesters of modern Greek. These language skills were essential for allowing my day-to-day life in Greece to run more smoothly, and indicated to my Greek colleagues that I was serious about my commitment to work in Greece for many years to come. As an anthropologist, I believe that studying the language of a country in which you work is essential. Not only does it make your life easier, but it shows respect for your hosts that are so graciously allowing you to work in their country. Many thanks, H.C.F.!


HCF Chris Limberis SCHOLARS

KELLY, Heather

I was honored to serve as the inaugural Chris Limberis Fieldwork Scholar in 2006. The award funded my travel to Arcadia where I was a member of the excavation team at Mt Lykaion, at that time a joint venture between the University of Arizona and the University of Pennsylvania. As a graduate student and aspiring Hellenist, this first trip to Greece was an essential part of my education, finally bringing me face-to-face with a culture and landscape that had been the focus of my study for so many years. Later, I often drew on the experience to enliven my lectures, hopefully imparting some of the allure of the country and its people to my students. While I benefitted from the generosity of the HCF as a young professional, all southern Arizonans profit from its activities. By sponsoring educational and social events through its outreach programs, the Foundation actively fosters positive cross-cultural relations locally and in so doing enriches the community at large. Thanks, HCF, for all you do!

LINN, Sarah

As an MA student at the University of Arizona I was able to participate in the Mount Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project. While in Greece the HCF scholarship allowed me to travel to Pylos and Athens to visit the archaeological site of Nestor’s Palace and the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The Mount Lykaion project and my travels around Greece, generously funded by the HCF, have greatly enhanced my knowledge, appreciation, and understanding of the ancient Greek world. I am now pursuing my PhD in Mediterranean art and archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania based on my wonderful experiences studying classical archaeology at the U of A and abroad in Greece.


My academic path in Classical Studies took me deep into the country and literature of modern day Greece. The Greece that interests me exists as a continuum whose authors, using their craft, may draw upon or react against the perceptions of their land’s history. This fusion of the modern and the ancient, of the more familiar world with the more mythical, has fueled my research in the M.A. Classics Program of the University of Arizona.

Thanks to the Chris Limberis H.C.F. scholarship, I was able to fund my participation in two conferences that relate to my study of Greek literature: 1) The 2011 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Colloquium and 2) The 2011 Modern Greek Studies Association Symposium. At each conference, I gave a paper treating the adaptations of Homeric figures and themes by the 20th-century Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis. Not only did these two presentations garner valuable feedback which has contributed to the writing of my M.A. Thesis, but they have driven me to continue on my academic course and to apply this coming fall for Ph.D. programs in Comparative Literature and Classics, through which I will be able to study further the authors of Modern Greece and how they appropriate and adapt the Classics. Thanks H.C.F.!



I want to thank the HCF for awarding me their 30th Anniversary Founders Scholarship. Thanks to the scholarship, I will be able to finish my bachelor’s degree at the University of Arizona. I am an undergraduate student majoring in Classics, with my emphasis in Greek. I plan to continue my education by attending seminary. I have found that my studies of the Greek language, history, and culture are crucial for my continuing educational goals. Having translated Greek from Homer all the way down the Hellenistic period has taught me how the language has changed and developed. I am interested in different dialects (Ionic, Attic, Doric, Aeolian, etc.) and how and why they differ from each other. Also, studying Greek culture has giving me a better understanding of the milieu in which the early church was formed, which is important for my continued studies (seminary). I am honored to have received the HCF award.


I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the Hellenic Cultural Foundation for awarding me with the HCF 30th Anniversary Founders Scholarship. With their help, I was able to take part in the Mt. Lykaion Survey and Excavation project study season. Here, I aided in the cleaning and conservation of pottery excavated from the site, and undertook a statistical study of the technology that produced these wares. With this data, I will be able to begin formulating my Master’s thesis on ceramic production in the Early Iron Age. While in Greece, I was also afforded the opportunity to explore its amazing landscape and archaeology, one which I will truly never be able to forget. None of this would have been possible without the help of the HCF, and it has made a lasting impact as I continue my studies in the ancient Mediterranean world. I am truly grateful.


I would like to thank the Hellenic Cultural Foundation for awarding me an HCF 30th Anniversary Founders Scholarship at the end of the Spring 2014 semester. As a child and throughout my adolescence, I enjoyed many summers in Greece, spending the majority of my time at my grandparents’ house in Rion. I also visited the Mt. Lykaion excavation site, which my aunt, Mary Voyatzis, co-directs with her colleague, David Romano. I enjoyed my time in Greece, learning about the culture and my heritage, but there was always one drawback- I did not know the language. I needed to rely on family members and friends who were fluent in both Greek and English in order to perform everyday activities within the country. The HCF scholarship has allowed me to continue to study Modern Greek so that I may someday go back to Greece and be able to communicate independently with the Greek people and learn more about my rich heritage. I am very grateful to the HCF for their support. Even though I am a Psychology major, my experience at the University of Arizona has been enriched by having the opportunity to learn Modern Greek.



Given the great honor of receiving this prestigious scholarship helped me to complete my Greek studies this semester, which provided support for my extracurricular ventures in the Greek community. I plan on pursuing classics as a part of my degree which will help me serve my community by retaining a greater understanding of my cultural roots, thereby giving me an enhanced sense of identity. By studying our classic past we are better able to look at the present and even glimpse at the future, gaining a better understanding of self and community while simultaneously trying to ascribe to the ancient Delphic maxim GNOTHI SAUTON ( know thyself).  My ultimate goal as I move forward with my studies and my life, is to follow ancient Greek Philosophy of PAN METRON ARISTON  ( all with excellence and good measure) thus becoming the most well rounded individual possible. Thank you for the honor, may I honor my scholarship with my success.
